The #1 reason to do a pageant… You learn confidence, poise, interview, and public speaking skills. Pageants prepare you for your future. Pageants teach, hone, and test life skills. The glitz and glam get girls excited about learning hard things they will need for a lifetime. Those interview and public speaking skills are tough stuff to learn. Sometimes it’s even boring. The tiara helps motivate girls when it’s tough to be motivated. The service aspect helps them learn to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to be empathetic, and not complacent about other people’s needs and what’s going on in the world around them. Please! We encourage you to get your kids out to do SOMETHING! Anything! 4H, scouts, rodeo… something where the brain is stimulated, and life skills and independence are developed. The options are ENDLESS!!! We HAVE to prepare our young people for the future.