Founded in early 2023, Emissary Pageants International Congress was founded to be a new start for pageant girls and directors looking for a system where:
- Bullying is simply not accepted as the pageant norm,
- A fair shot at the crown was possible for every delegate,
- and Directors were not asked to go against their ethics.

After resigning from another system with ethical issues within the organization, National/International Director, Mary Oakes, stepped away for a break and what she thought would be pageant retirement only to receive hundreds of calls, messages and emails from all over the United States begging her to start something new. After 2 years of her pumping out the best state pageant and national and international winners, pageant moms and pageant girls alike knew Mary was something special and working with her was changing lives!
They begged for a home or a refuge of sorts for the girls and women that wanted to compete on a new stage without all the problems they found in other systems. Emissary Pageants International Congress was born from more than 10 years of research and a lifetime of experience behind the scenes and on the stage in the pageant industry. Emissary Pageants International Congress is the musings of one frustrated pageant enthusiast brought to life. Mary created something unique where every delegate competes in an area of their own personal strength and brings their own unique contribution to the world.
EPIC AMBASSADORS Mary can’t wait to launch with her first 8 Appointed National Queens, the EPIC Ambassadors. The EPIC Ambassador title was created for the girl that makes an epic difference in Emissary Pageants International Congress and the world. These “Forever Queens” will retain the use of their titles indefinitely and never be required to “retire” their crowns. They will launch the system as its first queens and be part of EPIC history forever. The EPIC Ambassador title will be reserved for the future for those nominated by their peers for their work and as exemplarily examples of what is means live by the ideals of Unshakable Confidence, Sisterhood, Service and Leadership.