
Pageant System Shopping List

Trying to decide if we want to try a different system.   I would love to find a system with most of these things at the national level:

  • At least 5 judges at Nationals.  (It’s too easy for one judge to determine all the winners with less than that.)
  • Qualified judges who do not personally know the directors, staff, contestants or coaches who are bringing contestants to the pageant.
  • Scores and comments were given after the pageant.
  • Not a completely natural system.  
  • Very organized and timely.  Does not hold contestants backstage for long periods.  
  • No more than 4 days. 
  • Has all state and national paperwork ready before the first prelim if winners are required to advance to the next level. 
  • Has a complete handbook with all pertinent information for contestants and judges.  I hate having to ask questions lol.   If it’s something all contestants will need to know, it should be easily accessible. 
Facebook Pageant Mom

Ok Mom! Here it is! Emissary Pageant International Congress… The world’s first perfect pageant! NOT! I will say nearly every director I’ve ever met has tried to match this shopping list. The fact is we are humans and we work with humans. This may be news to you but humans are not perfect.

  1. Judges – We require 3 judges at state and 5 at nationals. We strive for an ethnically and culturally diverse panel with a range of backgrounds. We dont allow fully royal panels, they know too many girls so we try to avoid them all together.
  2. Qualified – We think those actually involve in public speaking, charity work and in the arts and entertainment industry are qualified. Don’t be surprised if you see political officials or volunteers on our panel. They will probably know SOMEONE on pageant staff but they are far enough outside the pageant industry that they probably dont know anyone competing.
  3. Scores – Yep! And if you want the director’s feedback, ASK! She can review the film and give you tips for the future.
  4. Natural – I dont know any pageant that requires you to wear your real street clothes! Let’s be real a minute. Babies through little miss dont need spray tans, makeup or lashes they can wait until they can at least ask for the extras. That being said, little girls should look like little girls not some Hollywood starlet’s mini.
  5. Organization/Time – We all try! the best laid plans of mice and men still sometimes go awry. We promise to always live by the Boy Scout motto and “Be Prepared”. If you will give us some grace when we miss calculate time.
  6. 4 Days – That’s our plan! We know you have a life beyond pageants but we also dont want to over tax the girls. Competing takes a lot of energy out of them so we will try to balance fun, competition and rest. When we get too big for 4 days we plan to stagger so that you are not with us more than 4 days.
  7. Paperwork – That’s the plan! States have a template based on the national paperwork making things easier for the State Director.
  8. Handbook – Yep! We try to put everything on “paper” but sometimes we may miss something. I promise it isn’t on purpose and will be added to the next year’s draft if you had to ask. We will have the handbook easily downloadable on the website and in the Facebook group. Please if you have a question… Let us know! We will be building an FAQ too!

Emissary Pageants International Congress

Where Unshakeable Confidence, Sisterhood, Service, and Leadership come together!